Tuesday Nights Art Workshop
facilitated by Helen Wilson began over 5 years ago. This Artists Group meets for 4 class
sessions, two play dates and ends in an exhibition. Each meeting is
built around a project idea. Artists are free to interpret the projects however
the muse directs, and are encouraged to extend themselves. This spring’s
theme is a fun one; we are going to be exploring Children’s Art.
Tuesdays Class Dates are 2/10, 3/10, 4/14, 5/12
Play Dates: 2/24, 3/24Exhibition
5/22 – 5/24Two Groups 3-5:30 and
6:00-8:30 (each group will be limited to 15)
The price is $100 with Re-enrolling artists from the Spring Group
receiving a $10 dollar discount. Enrollment will work on a first come first
served basis.If you want to reserve a spot reply I’m in to this email.I need your name and which of the two class
times works best for you
1140 Main Street,
Suite 208, Ramona, CA 92065