Tuesday Nights is the name of our class and The Game Room is where we meet when we are not together.

Got a idea that just can't wait...tell us about it.
You need to hash something out, maybe we can help.
Or maybe you just want to see what everybody else is up to.
Post links, post pictures, post questions or just ask one.

My Philosophy.
I teach through action and immersion. Just keep moving, contemplate later. In art, for me at least, there are times of rest and contemplation, and times of work. Art making is a time for work. It is the time to pull from the mental and make physical. Create a reality, a piece of art. For this the contemplative brain needs to move over, the art critic side isn’t even invited to the party. Learn to ask and answer your own questions on the move. The sooner I can get you making art the better. Get something done and then we have something to talk about.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It is time to begin again...

Tuesday Nights Art Workshop facilitated by Helen Wilson began over 5 years ago. This Artists Group meets for 4 class sessions, two play dates and ends in an exhibition. Each meeting is built around a project idea. Artists are free to interpret the projects however the muse directs, and are encouraged to extend themselves. This spring’s theme is a fun one; we are going to be exploring Children’s Art.

Tuesdays Class Dates are 2/10, 3/10, 4/14, 5/12
Play Dates: 2/24, 3/24Exhibition 5/22 – 5/24Two Groups 3-5:30 and 6:00-8:30 (each group will be limited to 15)
The price is $100 with Re-enrolling artists from the Spring Group receiving a $10 dollar discount. Enrollment will work on a first come first served basis.If you want to reserve a spot reply I’m in to this email.I need your name and which of the two class times works best for you

1140 Main Street, Suite 208, Ramona, CA 92065